Mind If I Take Your House’s Blood Pressure?

If you’re concerned about the quality of the air in your home, a blower door test (sometimes called a negative pressure test) could be just what you need. This simple test can help identify leaks and gaps in your home’s insulation and air sealing, which can lead to poor indoor air quality and increased energy bills.

So, what is a blower door test? Essentially, it involves using a special fan to depressurize your home, which draws air in through any gaps or leaks. By measuring the amount of air going out through the fan, I can determine the overall airtightness of your home and identify areas that may need improvement.

One of the key benefits of a blower door test is that it can help improve your home’s indoor air quality. When there are gaps and leaks in your home’s envelope, unfiltered outside air can easily enter your home, bringing in pollutants like pollen, dust, and even harmful chemicals. This is especially problematic for people with chronic lung diseases (allergies, COPD, lung cancer, asthma, etc). By identifying and sealing these gaps, you can help keep your indoor air clean and healthy.

Another benefit of a blower door test is that it can help you save money on your energy bills. When your home is leaky, your heating and cooling systems have to work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature. This can lead to higher energy bills, as well as increased wear and tear on your HVAC system. By identifying and sealing gaps, you can reduce the amount of energy your home needs to stay comfortable, which can translate to savings on your monthly bills.

But how do you know where these leaks and gaps are located? This is where infrared technology comes in. With an infrared camera, I routinely identify areas of your home that are cooler or warmer than others, which indicate potential gaps or leaks (this is where training comes in though because not all of the mismatched temperature readings mean leaks!). This can be especially useful for identifying areas that may be hidden behind walls or ceilings, which can be difficult to detect with a visual inspection alone.

Infrared technology can also be used to verify the effectiveness of any improvements that are made. By performing a second blower door test after any repairs or improvements are made, a professional can verify that the overall airtightness of your home has been improved, which can give you peace of mind and help ensure that your indoor air quality is as healthy as possible.

In conclusion, a blower door test with the addition of infrared technology is a valuable tool for improving your home’s indoor air quality and reducing your energy bills. By identifying and sealing gaps and leaks in your home’s envelope, you can help keep your indoor air clean and healthy, while also saving money on your monthly bills. So if you’re concerned about your home’s air quality, click below to schedule a blower door test with me today!

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